Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Netdom Command

To rename the computer name of a Domain Controller: -
·   Firstly install “Support Tool” from the CD of windows 2003 server.
·   Insert the CD into CDROM.
·   Browse the CD.
·   Open “Support” folder.
·   Open “Tools” Folder.
·   Run the setup- SUPTOOLS.MSI.

Now you should raise the domain functional label from Mix to Windows 2003 server.
·   Start-programs-administrative tools-Active Directory Users and Computers.
·   Right click on domain name, click- raise domain functional label.
·   Select “Windows 2003 server” from the list.
·   Click- Raise.
·   Click- ok.

Now you can rename the domain controller like: -
·   Click- Start-programs-support tools-command prompt
·   Run the following commands on the prompt.

C:\>Netdom Conputername currentcomputername /add:newcomputername
C:\>Netdom computername currentcomputername /makeprimary:newcomputername
·   Now restart the computer.

C:\>Netdom computername newcomputername /remove:oldcomputername

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